
Contact Information

Phone Number: +2349018577780

Email Address: [email protected], [email protected]

Business Address: 2 Ajumoni, Progressive Estate, Lagos, Nigeria

Acabeta Non-refund policy: At Acabeta, we are committed to providing our users with valuable learning resources and insightful content to aid their career/skill advancement. It's important to note that we operate on a no-refund basis. When you purchase a course or subscribe to our product on our website, you are using our service or investing in your knowledge and skill development. As such, deposits made are non-refundable. Our system is designed to facilitate the inflow of valuable information and expertise to our users, not the outflow of funds. We encourage you to carefully assess your purchase and subscription and allocate an amount that you are comfortable with for your learning journey or our product. By committing to this non-refund policy, we ensure the sustainability of our platform and continue to deliver high-quality educational content and services to our users.
© 2024. Acabeta is a registered trademark of Acabeta Technologies Ltd